Advanced News Writing
The writings in this section was from an advanced news writing class that I took. The different stories were from different departments around Nicholls State University and locally around town.
Assessment Test Story - this story is on the importance of assessment tests in college. The assessment tests are given at Nicholls to make sure the university complies with the standards of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
International Student Banquet - every semester at Nicholls the international students hold an international student banquet. This story tells about the foods prepared, the entertainment for the night, and the preparation that the international students did for the banquet.
New Clerk of Court - in 2012 Theresa Robichaux became clerk of court of Terrebonne Parish. This story tells of her experience as a Minute Clerk, what has made her successful in her career and what she hopes to accomplish as a clerk of court.
assessment_test_story" href="/uploads/2/4/9/0/24904637/assessment_test_story_web.docx">
international_student_banquet" href="/uploads/2/4/9/0/24904637/international_student_banquet_web.doc">