Public Affairs Reporting
The stories in this section are from a class I took on public affairs reporting. Most of the stories have to do with higher education issues and happenings within higher education.
Differences in Salaries - in this story I compare the salaries of professors, assistant professors, and associate professors in the College of Arts and Sciences and College of Business Administration at Nicholls. I used the budget to research salaries and asked the deans of the two departments for clarity.
Scholarship Money - in this story I researched how much money is given in scholarships at Nicholls during a semester. I researched the different scholarships through the budget, financial aid website, and an interview with the vice president for Student Affairs & Enrollment Services Eugene Dial.
differences_in_salaries" href="/uploads/2/4/9/0/24904637/final_story_on_salaries.docx">