Though I started doing photography before I was in high school I really became interested in it when I was in the photography club in high school. Digital photography was a thing but film photography was still popular. I started using my mom's film camera. I did some black and white and developed film in a dark room as well which was really neat.
Christmas my senior year is when I got my first professional dslr camera, which I still use today. I payed for half and my parents paid the other half.
Before I had my current camera and before high school I had a small, film, point and shoot Cannon. It was a 38-155mm.
Today I mostly shoot with my Nikon D40x, but I also have a Nikon Coolpix camera that I keep in my purse. I also use my iPhone to take pictures.
Thanks for stopping by. Please comment, leave suggestions on future pictures and visit my project on Instagram:@kamkam90.
Take care,